Symposium: Transnational Issues in American Antitrust Law

| January 1, 1980

On September 30, 1980, the United States Senate passed a bill that would establish a commission to study the international application of American antitrust laws.’ The creation of this commission was prompted in part by the popular belief that the current application of U.S. antitrust laws impedes vigorous American export activity to the detriment of our competitive standing in world markets.2 On the other hand, several foreign nations, angered by extraterritorial application of U.S. laws, have recently enacted statutes that inhibit the ability of anti- trust plaintiffs in the United States to obtain discovery and to collect judgments. In this vein, Britain’s Protection of Trading Interests Act of 1980 and Canada’s proposed C-41 are noteworthy.’ It is thus an appro- priate time to consider whether there should be a restructuring of American antitrust policy in light of other domestic and international objectives of the United States.